
  • UL
  • 96 630 ₽/1 год
Уровень Бакалавр
Язык обучения English
Продолжительность 3 год
Форма обучения На кампусе

О программе

The purpose of teaching computer science at the 1st level is: 

  • training specialists with in-depth knowledge and skills in the main areas of computer science; 
  • transfer of knowledge and skills in the field of information technology, including algorithms, programming, databases, computer systems and networks, Internet technologies and design of information systems;
  • the development of graduate analytical and synthetic thinking skills that allow a non-standard approach to solving various practical problems that require the creation or adaptation of information technologies;
  • development of skills of a modern foreign language to level B2;
  • preparation of graduates for independent development of professional skills and for training in the second cycle and in graduate school in various fields.

Various forms of classes, including numerous classes in computer labs, allow students to master various methods related to information processing. Particular attention in the educational process is paid to the development of logical thinking skills, teamwork and the use of literature on this subject.