О программе
- Holidays in the Czech Republic "Czech Language" The course is intended for schoolchildren and students (10-25 years old) who want to get acquainted with the possibilities of obtaining higher education in the Czech Republic. The program of the course includes classes in the Czech language, presentations and excursions to Czech universities, meetings with students and teachers, tours in Prague and the Czech Republic. This is an ideal choice for those who plan to continue their education at Czech state universities.
- Holidays in the Czech Republic "English language" This is the best way to improve your English level and have fun in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe - Prague. A rich program includes training sessions with qualified teachers - native speakers from the UK, USA, Ireland, exciting extracurricular activities, a rich excursion program. The training takes place in an interesting and relaxed atmosphere, students acquire language skills in the process of attending various cultural events.
Cultural program for autumn races: Excursions in Prague (Prague Castle, St. Vitus Cathedral, Golden Lane, Mala Strana, Charles Bridge, Old Town and Wenceslas Square, Vysehrad) Presentation of the programs of the Prague Educational Center. Trip to Dresden .Visit to Prague Zoo. Sports activities in Prague Jump Park .Excursion "Night Prague" . Visit to the bowling club Acquaintance with Czech universities . Gala closing evening and presentation of certificates of completion of a foreign language course
Cultural program for spring races: Excursions in Prague (Prague Castle, St. Vitus Cathedral, Golden Lane, Mala Strana, Charles Bridge, Old Town and Wenceslas Square, Vysehrad). Excursion "Mystical Prague" . Excursion to Karlstejn Castle . Trip to Vienna . Trip to Brno (individually) Visit prestigious Czech universities Presentation of the programs of the Prague Educational Center. They will tell you what to do if you like it and want to stay. Solemn final evening. Spend your holidays with benefit - get a certificate of completion of a foreign language course!
Cultural program for winter rides: Excursions in Prague (Prague Castle, St. Vitus Cathedral, Golden Lane, Mala Strana, Charles Bridge, Old Town and Wenceslas Square, Vysehrad) 2 days at one of the largest ski resorts (skiing, snowboarding and bobsledding) , Excursion "Night Prague", Visit to the zoo in Liberec ,A trip to the city of Mlada Boleslav (Skoda Auto Museum) ,Presentation of the programs of the Prague Educational Center ,Visit prestigious Czech universities Gala ,Closing Evening.
The intensity of the educational program: 10 ac. hours of Czech or English in the chosen direction lectures and seminars on the higher education system in the Czech Republic trainings and group games in the directions (economic, humanitarian, technical, etc.) career counseling test