
  • UL
  • 96 630 ₽/1 год
Язык обучения English
Продолжительность 3 год
Форма обучения На кампусе

О программе

  1. ADMINISTRATION- The aim of the course is to train a modern team of specialists in the field of administration and public administration. The course allows you to gain knowledge in the field of law, finance, sociology and management. Thanks to the comprehensive training formula, a graduate of the faculty can successfully start working in: local and state administration state and private enterprises, consulting and consulting companies, non-governmental organizations international organizations and the European Union, institutions dealing with European integration or obtaining European funds.
  2. SOCIAL POLITICS- This interdisciplinary direction allows you to acquire knowledge in the fields of sociology, social psychology, economics, ethics, logic, management and law. Research forms the skill of independent and creative work, teaches research and is a preparation for scientific and didactic work. The course is conducted jointly by the Faculty of Law and Administration and the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz.