
  • UL
  • 96 630 ₽/1 год
Уровень Бакалавр
Язык обучения English
Продолжительность 3 год
Форма обучения На кампусе

О программе

The new historical research program provides broad, well-established and comprehensive knowledge of the past and the most important achievements of the humanities and social sciences. Studying HISTORY allows you to learn about political, social and economic processes and mechanisms, from antiquity to the present day. Lodz historians specialize in both Polish history and general history (including the Middle East, the Balkans, Germany, Great Britain, France, Russia and the Soviet Union, Rome and Byzantium, Sweden, Spain, the United States).

Skills acquired during training allow you to function effectively in the modern labor market. Historical research also provides an opportunity to gain additional experience through apprenticeships, internships, and volunteering. The program lasts 6 semesters and ends with a professional bachelor's degree.