Human Resource Management

  • LUCT
  • 934 090 ₽/3 год
Уровень Бакалавр
Язык обучения English
Продолжительность 3 год
Форма обучения На кампусе

О программе

This programme is ideal for students who are interested in business and prefers an emphasis on human resource management. The increased realisation that human resource is a vital organisational capability has given human resource management a critical role in the achievement of organisational effectiveness. In order to achieve a competitive advantage, organisations are increasingly looking at human resource management at the operational and strategic levels. Students will study core business and HR disciplines and will gain an insight into how people work in organisations — their motivation, group dynamics and leadership qualities, the management of human resources, development, reward, resourcing and employee relations, contextual influences such as employment legislation, plus the role human resources play in meeting organisations’ strategic goals.