О программе
The Bachelor of Science (Architectural Studies) is the first part of the architect’s training. The three years in this programme precede the final two years available in the Bachelor of Architecture. Professionally, architectural training requires a minimum of seven years and consists of three parts. The first two parts, comprising 5 years of study, is completed in academic institutions. It consists of a three-year Bachelor of Science degree (for Part I) followed by a two-year study that confers a Bachelor of Architecture degree which is professionally-recognised as Part II.
Between the two parts, the University requires students to undertake a period of practical training, ranging from 6 months to one year. The two parts at the end of the third and fifth year of study, though conferring two different Bachelor's degrees, can be one continuous process. The curriculum is designed as one, which means that many of the things taught in the fourth year through the Bachelor of Architecture are developed and leveled up versions of those in the third year. The third part is a two-year period of practical training or working experience that enables a candidate to sit in the professional Part III examination.