Faculty of Educational Sciences


  • 96 630 ₽/1 год
  • 96 630 ₽/1 год

О подразделении

The Faculty of Education was founded at the Faculty of Humanities, and the State Pedagogical University in Lodz joined the University of Lodz in 1956. In its current form, the faculty was created in 1991, after the Department of Pedagogical and Psychological Departments was separated from the Faculty of Philosophy and History and the Faculty of Physical Education in Warsaw was included in the University of Lodz.

Among the scientific and research interests of faculty employees, the leading place is occupied by the process of education and training of children and adolescents at all levels of education, as well as the conditions, disorders and consequences of the educational process. The faculty conducts research in the direction of the development of both historical and modern theory and practice of the educational process.

The faculty conducts training in the field of pedagogy (full-time and part-time) and psychology (full-time and part-time education in the magistracy). Research in these areas, as well as in many specialties, offers a modern educational formula that, in addition to lectures, exercises and seminars, allows students to participate in a wide range of institutional activities, as well as enhances competencies that provide multilateral individual development. Thus, research provides both a deep foundation for training in professional activities, and allows you to continue the research path in doctoral studies.