О программе
Program envisages basic theoretical education in chemistry and chemical engineering, acquisition of practical skills in teaching and research laboratories, as well as practice in specialty.
Program includes specialization in different directions of chemical technology:
- Biologically active compounds and their dosage forms;
- Chemistry and technology of biomaterials;
- Chemistry and technology of polymer materials;
- Chemistry and technology of silicate materials;
- Environmental engineering;
- General chemical technology.
Simultaneously to theoretical studies during elaboration of Bachelor thesis and within specialty subjects student acquires research methods and technique, as well as can obtain practical skills at enterprise.
Study program trains specialists for enterprises dealing with processing and manufacturing chemistry, biotechnology and pharmaceutical products, food, cosmetics, fuel, wood, ceramics, textile and building materials, as well as specialists for corresponding research and quality control laboratories, research institutions and commercial companies.Education in chemical engineering let to work in enterprises of different branches, where specialists in engineering sciences – who can manage chemical processes, can ensure quality, are capable to develop new methods and equipment, are able to create, to design and to introduce new innovative technologies – are needed. Such knowledge is necessary to work in testing, quality control and research laboratories of different products and materials. Graduates intended to research are prepared for further studies in master programs.
The goal of studies program is to provide a theoretical knowledge, research skills and proficiency in chemistry and chemical engineering, to prepare graduates for independent work at enterprises dealing with organization and control of chemical processes, ensuring quality of materials and products in field of chemical engineering, chemistry and material science.