Materials Science

  • RTU
  • 208 126 ₽/1 год
Уровень Бакалавр
Язык обучения English
Продолжительность 3 год
Форма обучения На кампусе

О программе

Bachelor study program “Materials Science” is a Contemporary, Multi-Disciplinary Program relying on Academic and Engineering Approaches.

You will obtain general knowledge on the types of basic and advanced materials (polymers, textile, wood, glass, ceramics, metals, composites, biomaterials, nanomaterials, sensors and other smart materials). Manufacturing, characterization, exploitation, ecological sustainability and recycling of these materials is also considered during the studies.


After graduation you will have a possibility to build your own carrier in the enterprise or laboratory dealing with materials manufacturing, quality testing, research and development, in the commercial or state institutions, requiring specialists in materials selection, materials and products characterization and quality assessment, or continue studies for obtaining Master degree in “Materials Science”, “Chemical Technology” or other relevant study program.