Actuarial Studies

  • SU
  • 1 183 602 ₽/3 год
Уровень Бакалавр
Язык обучения English
Продолжительность 3 год
Форма обучения На кампусе

О программе

This programme draws together a variety of subjects that involve applying mathematical and statistical techniques in the financial services industry. It is designed to pave the way for students wishing to embark on a career as an actuary. Students will be prepared for professional exams leading to the qualification of an actuary from a globally recognised professional actuarial body.

Our programme is accredited by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA), UK. Students in our programme are eligible for exemptions from the IFoA professional exams for papers CS1, CS2, CM1, CM2, CB1 and CB2.

Our programme is also recognised by the Society of Actuaries (SOA), US. As the SOA requires students to undertake courses to fulfil their Validation by Educational Experience (VEE) requirements, our school offers subjects that will directly allow students to achieve their full VEE exemptions. We also prepare our students to sit for SOA professional exams throughout their undergraduate programme.

Additionally, students considering a professional insurance qualification have an exclusive opportunity for an accelerated pathway upon enrolment. Students in our programme are recognised for admission into the Associateship of the Malaysian Insurance Institute (AMII) with the eligibility for exemptions from 11 out of 14 AMII modules.

Our programme is also fully accredited by the Finance Accreditation Agency (FAA) of Malaysia, an international and independent quality assurance and accreditation body for the financial services industry.

Note: Eligibility of exemptions is determined based on subjects taken and grades obtained.