О программе
UCA's Computer Science programme will not only develop you into a stellar programmer, but it will equip you to be part of a new generation of knowledgeable and skilled information technology (IT) entrepreneurs and professionals ready to develop infrastructure and generate opportunities in Central Asia. You will be exposed to the latest technologies and international innovations in UCA's state-of-the-art computer laboratories and through internship opportunities. UCA’s Computer Science programme is designed in partnership with the University of Toronto, Canada to produce specialists that meet industry standards set by the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the US-based Association for Computing Machinery. It will provide graduates necessary skills to become entrepreneurs and create new opportunities, develop potential and growth for Central Asian companies, help preserve and promote culture of Central Asia through technology.
Career PathwaysYour minor complements your major area of study, enriching your skill set and knowledge base, making you an all-rounded candidate for any future employer. For example, if you are a Computer Science major and you minor in Development Studies, you can work in international development, offering both IT skills and an understanding of development in Central Asia.