О программе
Bachelor in Journalism allows students to gain the necessary skills for a future career - starting with an introduction to the main types of journalism and finishing mastery of interpersonal communication. Through a multimedia laboratory and technical equipment of our university, students can visually get acquainted with methods and techniques to create a modern print and audiovisual journalism.Students will learn how to: - effectively communicate in global context - find and evaluate information and data - improve their writing ability in more than one language - manage new media.The graduates of this department will be requested in the media (newspapers, magazines, television, radio, news agencies, online media), publishing, press services, advertising and PR-agencies, both in our country and abroad.They work as news writers, reporters, editors, producers, sports announcers, sports producers, technical writers and editors, magazine publishers, corporate communicators, Web managers, news anchors, photojournalists, reality show producers, copy editors, international correspondents, news managers, and more.