Oil and gas business

  • NU
  • 1 223 980 ₽/1 дней
Уровень Бакалавр
Язык обучения Русский
Продолжительность 4 год
Форма обучения На кампусе

О программе

Hydrocarbon is still a global source of energy that stimulates the development of civilization. Kazakhstan is the ninth oil producing country. Kazakhstan is also a transit country for the export of oil and gas through a pipeline to China, the world's largest importer of oil and gas. Therefore, the academic program Bachelor of Science in the field of oil and gas business in Kazakhstan offers a promising career in the oil and gas industry, as well as research activities. The program opens up job opportunities around the world for technically challenging but well-paid jobs. Therefore, the need for oil engineers is high. Oil engineers are able to identify and solve important technological problems that ultimately lead to energy security and socio-economic prosperity. Oil engineers are responsible for extracting hydrocarbon resources from underground formations. This difficult and profitable field of engineering requires the creative application of a wide range of knowledge, including geology, mathematics, physics, chemistry and ecology. Program curriculum The program consists of core courses, such as mathematics, chemistry, basic engineering, an introduction to oil and gas engineering, and others that will be taught in the first two years. The third and fourth year training is based on an in-depth study of oil and gas engineering subjects, such as field development technology, modeling of a natural reservoir, drilling, etc. It will also examine the principles of oil and gas production, field development systems, as well as study design and economic analysis.