Industrial Engineering and Management

  • RTU
  • 276 085 ₽/1 год
Уровень Магистр
Язык обучения English
Продолжительность 2 год
Форма обучения На кампусе

О программе

The main goal of the Master study program – to prepare a new specialist of as high quality as possible, who would be able to combine successfully technical knowledge with economical knowledge in their engineer’s and manufacturing activities.

The main characteristic of this program is that student has completed his bachelor degree in engineering and has engineer diploma and those advanced applied subject areas are integrated along with courses in economics and management.

This concerns mainly the chosen specialization in technology.

The economic part is here covered in a different way from that of usual manner of academically teaching in economics.


  • The program was prepared by the University Consortium BALTECH,
  • The development of program at the RTU has been based on past Swedish experiences,
  • The mission of the program is to train high quality managers in manufacturing, ready to meet market challenges and to start their career in the fields of production or services as managers or businessmen.
  • The acquired knowledge creates powerful competitive advantage to the graduates of the programme ensuring great job opportunities both in public and private sector.


Graduates of this program will be able to use his/her knowledge of marketing, production and design in engineering fields, and also take part in development work and to start their own business.