О программе
The mission of the Department of Applied Geology at AUCA is to educate a new generation of students in applied geological science, satisfying current and future production tasks with data mining in the mining sector of the Central Asian economies. AUCA, thanks to a partnership with Bard College, which prepares students for the practical implementation of their knowledge and competitiveness, both in Central Asia and abroad. Applied geology is in search of how geological problems affect human life. She studies the geological hazards in nature, such as landslides and volcanic eruptions, environmental problems, as a system of utilization and pollution of groundwater. She also considers management and access to natural resources such as oil and minerals. What is being taught here? Students study the core subjects of the main curriculum, which are necessary for any specialist in applied geology with advanced capabilities. We provide a deep and practical understanding of earth processes, and how to apply this knowledge in solving environmental problems, as well as mining problems and the stability of slopes. You will gain the skills that you will need in your work, such as field observations, geological mapping, and technologies for using remote sensing methods. The teaching methodology for all courses of our program is interactive, focused on solving problems and problems; teaching in English provides access to the latest curricula, textbooks that reflect rapidly changing trends in mining technologies, in the sciences of the earth and the environment. Knowledge of English and other foreign languages provides our graduates with the opportunity to compete in the global labor market and work in any foreign companies. What will I receive as a result of training? Graduates of the Department of Applied Geology will be able to produce written conclusions on geological data in the form of annotations and critically evaluate them; use quantitative methods to solve geological problems, evaluate and interpret spatial geological data; be able to work with basic geological equipment, as well as have the ability to communicate effectively, both individually and in multidisciplinary teams. Where do our graduates study and work? Our graduates will be able to work in the mining industry of Central Asian countries, in oil and gas companies around the world, government agencies and other companies. The bachelor's degree from Bard College provides our graduates with excellent opportunities to continue their education in MS and PhD programs at leading universities in the world.