Health & Applied Sciences - American Degree Transfer Program (2+2)

  • INTI
  • 690 125 ₽/2 год
Уровень Бакалавр
Язык обучения English
Продолжительность 4 год
Форма обучения На кампусе

О программе

This syllabus has been designed to meet the requirements of professional bodies while giving students the competitive edge. Expand for more.

The major fields of study in Health & Applied Sciences are:

  • Medical TechnologyMedical Technology involves the study of micro-organisms through the examination of body fluids, tissues, cells, chemical content of fluids, and blood samples.
  • NeuroscienceThis study is a multidisciplinary field that includes psychology, computer science, statistics physics and medicine in the scientific study of the nervous system and its components and functional activities at the molecular, cellular, system, behavioral, and cognitive levels.
  • Food Science And NutritionNutritional Science is the multidisciplinary study of food and the application of knowledge to the development of food products and processes, the preservation and storage of foods, the assurance of food safety and quality and its effect on metabolism, health, performance and disease resistance of humans and animals, including the study of human behaviours related to foods.
  • DieteticsThis study involves the planning of food and nutrition, supervising the preparation and serving of meals and also helps prevent and treat illnesses by promoting healthy eating habits, scientifically evaluating clients’ diets and suggesting diet medications.
  • NursingThis study focuses on practical applications of nursing that expands into the theoretical realms of patient care.
  • NanotechnologyThis study is the development of new devices, materials and structures that are well below the 1 micron size scale. The study explores the possibilities of detecting molecules of chemical warfare agents, creating a new generation of computer components, or making medical strides on the molecular level.
  • AstrophysicsThis study focuses on the theoretical and observational study of the structure, properties, and behavior of stars, star systems and clusters, stellar life cycles, and related phenomena. Astrophysicists interpret observational data with laws of physics and mathematics and include areas in cosmology, plasma kinetics, stellar physics, convolution and non-equilibrium radiation transfer theory, non-Euclidean geometries, mathematical modeling, galactic structure theory, and relativistic astronomy.
  • ForensicsThis interdisciplinary study draws from chemistry, biology, agriculture, physics, psychology, and law to apply techniques and principles of the natural and physical sciences to the analysis of evidence collected during criminal investigations. Students learn to perform tests on substances like glass, fiber, tissue, hair and body fluids.